Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Passport Photo Try Out

I'm taking my passport photo today coz I'm going to Taiwan to visit my grandpa, grandma, auntie Becky, uncle Beniel & many many others...
I went to Kinko's for professional help, but they don't want to take risk to photo a baby, so I'm gonna D.I.Y.

Setting up

1st try....

background is bad

2nd try.....

my head is too big, don't you think?!
and, where is light, please ?!

3rd try....

I'm a little bit tired already

4th try....


5th try.....

are we done yet?! I'm sleepy

6th try......

fine, i give up. just be hurry, will you?

?? try.....

lost count......

Oh o, I'm dazing out!!!

sorry, I'm need to take a nap

don't think i can wake up anytime soon...

alright, at least i can give you a smile from my

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