Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Memorial BBQ

This weekend is Memorial long weekend,
we had a BBQ party with some friends at our place.
We had Elizabeth, Patric, Hazel, Hon, Livia, Vernon, Frank, Cynthia, Jason & little Tara came over.
The weather was very nice, and we all had fun sitting in our little patio eating/chatting.
But the most fun comes from Wii playing.
We should have started playing earlier, so we would be pro at boxing :p
Why do I need to go over these details?! Pictures can prove everything.
OHHHHH, mom and dad forgot to take pictures until very last minute, which most people had left already :S
Anyways, I had fun today, and I hope everyone had fun, too.

Mommy tried to dress me up as a little rabbit, but, do you think I look like a rabbit?!

Patric playing Wii

When is my turn to play??

Still Patric??!?!

My turn, my turn.....

Waking up from a short nap and waiting for my next meal..

After feeding, mom and I are both tired

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