Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Walking In The Rain

It rains a lot in LA these days, since cant go outside to play,
i can only imagine things....SNOW, the newest favorite,
comes to mind...

but mommy said i can actually go out to have a walk in the rain...
really?! will that be fun?!

umbrella, check; rain boots (since i dont have one, i'll put my snow boots instead), check;
water resistant jacket, check......ok, i think i'm ready now :)
step into a puddle...... that's fun!!!
another one......let me try jumping on it :D

ok, walking now..

what's that?!
a snail

pretty flower

i got something for you, mommy.....

red leaf grows on a green bush?!?! but looks kinda pretty
go this way go this way
doggie wants to come out, too........

okay, it is fun walking in the rain :)

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