Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Hello & Goodbye

Today (4/14) is the first time I met with some of daddy & mommy's friends --
Uncles: Jason, Jonathan,Frank, Tim & Jen
Aunties: Livia, Chi Ching (aka Jennifer), & Julia
Didnt get to meet uncle Wesley & auntie Sara because they had a little baby boy on that day :D
We had lunch together at a dim sum place, the food there is pretty good.
Too bad I dont get to eat :(

Uncle Jonathan is going to China for his new job,
so I will not see him for a while.
Nice to meet you uncle Jonathan, and good luck!!

Auntie Livia & me

Auntie Jennifer & Uncle Jen

Auntie Jennifer & Uncle Jen

Uncle Frank, Jason & Jonathan

Uncle Frank & Jonathan

Uncle Jen

Mommy, me & auntie Livia

Auntie Julia & baby Leonardo

Auntie Julia & baby Leonardo

Uncle Jason & me

baby "john-doll"
he came to play with us while we were taking picture.
He's cute....

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