Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

I'm 1 Month Old Lo.......

I turned 1 month on 3/20/2007.
Happy 1-month birthday to me :P

I had my 1-mo. check up on 3/26, and everything is going very well.
I'm now 20 1/2 inches in length (25 %ile) & 8 lbs 13 oz in weight (40 %ile);
looks like I should grow more in length to balance out my weight :)
I also had Hepatitis B vaccine today, which hurts a lot...... >_<

Even though everything is fine, my mom is still worried about me vomiting.
I dont blame her coz i do vomit a lot, but that's because i feel too gassy.
My mom asked everyone for advice & found a good solution from uncle Eddie.
well, at least she thinks it's a good solution :)-


There you go..............Thank you, uncle Eddie =_=!!!

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