Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Photo Stamp

Last Friday, mom & i found something interesting online:
Mom decided to create "Caitlyn Stamp" right away.
About 30 minutes after, mom chose the following 4 photos of me & Natalie (2 each)
(oh, btw, Natalie is the cute baby girl from Tokita family - Dad's college friend)
It's real first class postage; and even tho it's face value is 39 cents only, it actually costs 90 cents to create it.
Kinda expensive, but it's fun.
I wonder if my mom is really gonna use it.... :D

Here's the order, and the look of the stamps

me - stamp1 me - stamp2

Natalie - stamp1 Natalie - stamp2

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